The new anime will tell an original story, featuring a match between the Hyoutei Academy Secondary Department led by Keigo Atobe and Rikkai University-Affiliated Middle School led by Seiichi Yukimura. The story was previously not depicted in the manga.
Hello My Girl (2022)
My Annoying Roommate (2023)
Flourish in time (2021)
The Moment You Fall in Love (2016)
I Once Remembered That Guy (2021)
Daddy is My Classmate (2020)
Extreme Hearts (2022)
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru, Yuki Yuna is a Hero: The Washio Sumi Chapter (2014)
Eiyuu Kyoushitsu (2023)
Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta (2023)
Tozluyaka (2022)
Thread Of Lies (2014)