Two realms exist in the ancient land of Yanato: the Lofty Realm, where gods reside, and the Lowly Realm, where humans reside. Princess Sakuna was the daughter of the god of war and goddess of harvest, but she led a lazy life. One day, she is banished to Hinoe Island, the Isle of Demons. Stranded in a barren land, Sakuna sets out to slay demons and farm rice. Her new adventure begins!
Face Off (2018)
The Weird Forest (2023)
Gemini Mission (2023)
The dagger of kill celestial being (2023)
Tales of Qin Mu (2024)
World of Immortals (2024)
Grave Keeper: Track of Lord (2018)
Anonymous (2016)
Eight Guarders: The Rise of the Hero (2017)
How to Train Your Girlfriend (2018)
Full Metal Duel (2016)